Letter from the President: Our Pledge

Systemic racism is a poison that infiltrates so many aspects of our society, and regrettably, New York’s advertising industry is not exempt.

Our industry has been called upon to make a choice: we can unknowingly spread the poison of racism through ignorance and personal bias or commit to being actively anti-racist in our personal and professional relationships.  

At 212NYC, our mission is to build a better advertising community. We must continue to build a more diverse, culturally relevant industry attuned to the historic challenges facing our country today.

We are committed to being actively anti-racist in our personal and professional relationships. To this end, we at 212NYC vow to fight racism today and every day through the following actions :

  • We will educate each other about the pernicious and systemic racism that exists within our society.

  • We will listen to & learn from the experiences and challenges faced by advertising community members who are people of color. 212NYC will use these learnings to inform implement and communicate initiatives to support our community and make internal changes.

  • We will utilize the 212NYC platform to actively combat racism through programming, thought leadership, and mentorship so that we can build a better and more diverse advertising community.



Sophia Woodhouse
President, 212NYC

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